Star Academy 7
Top 4


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Top 1 prize Students' representative of the week

week 1

Nassif:  meeting with Wadih Al Safy and all his CDs Abdel Azziz
week 2 Miral: Ticket for Whitney Houston concert in Scotland Abdel Azziz: swimming equipment & swimming lessons 
week 3 Mohammad Ramadan: Trip to Euro Disney with Rahma Mohammad Ali
week 4 Mohammad Ali: won $4000 to buy new wardrobe Mahmoud
week 5 Asma: Trip to Euro Disney with Mohammad R. & Rahma Mahmoud: DJ party at the academy
week 6 Badria: gym equipments Rahma: Party at the academy
week 7 Mahmoud & Miral: VIP treatment (spa, dinner, $4000) Rahma: go out with Mohammad R.
week 8 Rahma: won a dress by a famous Lebanese designer Bassel: go out with Mohammad R.
week 9 Sultan: credit card with $4000 to be spend whenever he wants Mahmoud: to organize a party at the academy
week 10 Mohammad Ramadan: $5000 to buy a Motorcycle Mahmoud: /
week 11 Mohammad R. & Nassif: bank account with $4000 Mahmoud: /
