Favorite Foods
What do celebrities like
to eat? With their access to fancy restaurants and
personal chefs, they must enjoy good and special foods
but that's not always the case.
Here is a list of celebrities’ favorite comfort foods
and recipes to recreate at home.
only eats fresh, organic, nutritious, well-balanced
foods based on protein. The singer/actress also avoids
processed food in general but she the only processed
food she consumes is protein powder.
loves mushrooms, not just because they’re healthy but
also because they taste great. She is especially fond of
truffles, the most expensive type of mushroom in the
world, with prices that reach up to $1000–$2200 per
pound. Also, she enjoys fatty foods like barbeque
chicken chops,
chicken salad, yellow tail sashimi, crispy beef. Her
most favorite is the double-double at In-N-Out Burger.
One of her favorite indulgence is pizza “I always
treat myself to one meal on Sundays when I can have
whatever I want. Usually, it’s pizza.” Another
well-loved item on her menu is hot sauce which finds its
way to almost every meal the singer has. In addition,
she loves Popeye’s
fried chicken and biscuits. But to maintain that a
healthy body, by focusing on healthy foods she has given
up snacks and is trying to avoid red meat.
according to her personal chef, she eats “every protein
that you can think of” along with rice, pasta, and
vegetables. Rihanna’s favorite Caribbean dish is curry
chicken and she has been known to love pasta and order
three types of pasta dishes at a time. She keeps her
body toned by regular visits to the gym the singer works
out for an hour almost every day. When it comes to
drinks, she loves ginger cocktails and for sweet she
likes cheesecake and her number one food is chocolate
ice cream.
sticks to regular exercising and healthy food from
Monday to Friday when she eats mostly yogurt, salads,
and sandwiches and avoids sugary drinks. On weekends she
enjoys comfort foods like pizza, hot dogs, and her
favorite Starbucks coffee. Her most important meal of
the day is definitely breakfast when she eats pancakes
with rich toppings like ham, fried egg, and parmesan
cheese, with a glass of orange juice. Swift has a
passion for baked goods. She’s known to be a very
skillful baker herself but she is also a huge fan of the
cookies from famed ‘Levain’ bakery in NYC and she adores
Pop-Tarts and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
loves melted cheese and eggs Benedict covered in
mayonnaise. There is no dessert she’d say no to,
especially if she’s offered a chocolate soufflé. Other
items on her favorite foods list are cakes, Truffle
pepper jelly, and hot chocolate.
loves snacks so much that she even brought a purse full
of them to the Oscars! The actress has expressed her
devotion for Cool Ranch Doritos on several occasions but
she also loves pizza, fries, cookies, and ice cream.
eats healthy food because she likes it not because she
has to. Emma Stone’s favorite foods are Brussels sprouts
and French fries. She also loves coffee but hates beets
and mayonnaise.
favorite celebration food is her mom’s chicken with rice
and gravy served with biscuits. When she cooks, the
tennis player usually makes French-style roasted chicken
with whole garlic cloves. She is a great fan of molten
lava cakes, especially the ones served at Nobu, along
with green tea ice cream. Serena also loves the original
moon pies, chocolate, vanilla, and banana.
loves hot Cheetos and chocolate but her most favorite
food is vinegar! She loves pickles and always orders
deep fried ones in restaurants. The singer has a strange
habit of pouring pickle juice on everything, even
popcorn and Reese’s! If there’s no pickle juice at hand,
she opts for lemon juice.
the model has admitted to loving burgers, especially the
ones from JG Melon in the West Village. “My personal
motto is ‘Eat clean to stay fit, have a burger to stay
sane,” she said. For breakfast, she chooses scrambled
eggs, bacon, and toast with coffee and OJ on the side.
When it comes to sweet treats, Gigi’s favorite is
Grasshopper Pie ice cream.
In order to have a muscular body like Dwayne “The Rock”
you need to eat plenty of meat. Sirloin, chicken, and
bison meat are on his daily menu, combined with either
rice or baked potatoes and fresh salad. Instead of
coffee, he drinks fruit-flavored energy drink
powders plus 3 gallons of water a day! Along with his
meat-based diet, Johnson works out five days a week for
75 minutes a day.
“I mostly workout so I can eat religiously. I’m such a
foodie.” He loves food so much that he owns a barbeque
restaurant in New York. He has admitted to never skip
breakfast and he consumes lots of protein. His favorite
breakfast items are blueberry pancakes and cereal
(especially Apple Jack’s and Oreo O’s). The singer/actor
loves brownies, especially the ones made in his wife’s
West Hollywood restaurant ‘Au Fudge’. His favorite dish
ever is lobster pasta with Pecorino cheese.
favorite food is spaghetti Bolognese. His fans are well
aware that his true addiction are gummy candies,
especially Swedish Fish and Sour Patch Kids, and never
fail to bring him some on live shows. The Canadian
sensation is also fond of Tim Horton’s wares (Dunkin’
Donuts of Canada) and cereals.
In addition to brown rice, scrambled eggs, and fruits
for breakfast, this Major League Baseball player’s
consumes fish and plain steamed vegetables on a daily
basis. J.Lo’s boyfriend is a huge fan of sushi, seafood,
and pasta as well.
is known for his unbelievable body transformation. “I
actually lost weight by eating more food, but eating the
right food, eating healthy foods.” Reportedly, he
consumes 4,000 calories a day and lots of water,
combined with insane trainings. But while he must eat
things like kale chips, what he really loves, he chooses
meat in all shapes and sizes.
The singer used to eat four bananas a day when he was in
college because they were cheap and he lived on a
budget. Even nowadays when he’s a huge star, his dream
meal is quite modest – pizza, seafood pasta, and ice
cream with brownies. He has also admitted that he’d
never give up Big Mac with large fries. |